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Meeting the World in Korea with High School Students

KFVN News > Meeting the World in Korea with High School Students
Meeting the World in Korea with High School Students

On a drizzly September day, the World Activity Class conducted “Culture Talk!,” where foreign volunteers and Korean high school students met for a time of open conversation. Volunteers from East Timor, Russia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan spoke with the Korean teens on many topics.
  The class opened with the theme of “dreams,” where the international volunteers encouraged the students to pursue their dreams for the future. Through free conversation, the Korean and foreign participants learned about the differences between the teens of Korea and other countries. They also exchanged views on different cultural understandings of love and marriage, and the merits of traveling abroad. Through these friendly discussions, the participants developed an enhanced understanding of one another, drawing their respective countries closer together.

KFVN Reporter Heegwang Yang


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