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KF Public Diplomacy Academy (for citizens)


The Korea Foundation, Korea’s leading public diplomacy organization, operates the KF Public Diplomacy Academy to reflect the importance of public diplomacy and the growing demand for open participation. The academy is designed to

  • Enhance awareness and understanding of public diplomacy,
  • Strengthen public diplomacy capabilities to encourage active public participation, and
  • Provide opportunities for participants to engage in career exploration and increase working-level competencies in relevant areas.


The academy develops and implements public diplomacy curricula tailored to the needs of different groups, including the general public, youth, and international exchange program officers at local government offices, government-led international exchange organizations, and public and private institutions.


Youth / General Public ⁄ International Exchange Program Officers


  • KF공공외교아카데미 Public Diplomacy Academy BI
  • Public Diplomacy Academy BI

Process Color : C0 / M0 / Y0 / K100

RGB Color : R0 / G0 / B0


Process Color : C80 / M95 / Y100 / K0

RGB Color : R84 / G53 / B50


Process Color : C0 / M0 / Y0 / K50

RGB Color : R160 / G160 / B160

How to Use BI

  • (Alteration not allowed) The BI shall be used as they appear in the attached files, without any alterations.
  • (Use of Korean & English BI) Either the Korean or the English BI, and not both together, shall be used depending on the purpose.
  • (Clearance Space) Appropriate space must be maintained to prevent interference by other graphic elements and to ensure BI independence. The minimum distance is the height of the KF logo.
  • (Minimum Size)5 mm in height for the Korean BI and 8.5 mm for the English BI. If these minimum conditions cannot be met, use text instead of BI.

Download BI


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