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Support for Korea-Related Cultural Events


The Korea Foundation extends support to arts and cultural organizations abroad for their various Korea-related exchange activities including performing and visual arts programs. The Foundation makes efforts to enhance global understanding of Korean culture and arts, covering dance, theater, music and fine arts.

Go to KF Application Portal


  1. Elligible organization can apply for only one project per year

  2. Ineligible Applicants

    •       1. Individual applicants
    •       2. Institutions or organizations located or based inside of Korea
    •       3. Institutions or organizations with temporary status (established for the purposes of this program)

Support in 2022

Country Title/Description Period
Germany Conference on Korean Contemporary Art hosted by the Free University of Berlin Jan. 27-29, 2022
U.S. Traditional Korean Music Performance and Lecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Mar. 15-18, 2022
Italy Korean Artists' Invitational Exhibition at the 59th Venice Biennale Apr. 23-Nov. 27, 2022
Italy Korean Artists' Invitational Exhibition at the European Cultural Centre Apr. 23 - Nov. 27, 2022
Germany Korean Artists' Invitational Exhibition by the Erfurter Art Association May. 1 - Oct. 3, 2022
Germany Korean Artists' Invitational Exhibition at Weltkunstzimmer, by the Hans Peter May. 6 - 29, 2022
Germany Invitational Exhibition of Korean Media Art at a Fifteen, Kassel J Jun. 18 - Sep. 15, 2022
Canada Samullori Performance Hosted by the Korean Traditional Arts Society, Vancouver Jun. 18 - Jul. 1, 2022
U.K. Seminar on Korean Cinema at the University of Glasgow Sep. 1, 2022
Germany EurAsian Flow Concert Tour by UKOREVV Sep. 26 - Oct. 7, 2022
Vietnam Month of Arts Practice 2022 at Heritage Space Oct. 3 - Dec. 18, 2022
France Festival Corée d’ici Nov. 8 - 21, 2022
U.S. Live Narration of Korean Silent Film 'Crossroads of Youth' at the University of Pittsburgh Nov. 3 - 5, 2022



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