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A Thank You Letter from Patrick McIver

KFVN News > A Thank You Letter from Patrick McIver
A Thank You Letter from Patrick McIver
Patrick McIver, Assistant Professor at Daegu Catholic University, who participated in the World Activity Class, sent a letter of gratitude to KF volunteers, thanking them for giving him an unforgettable memory and praising their work that so deeply affected him and the children with whom they shared their time. He writes:

This past weekend (November 17), I got to witness people touching the lives of these children. The people of the KFVN inspire children to improve their lives by learning and exploring new places. Too often people believe their lives are too successful or too busy, but the volunteers of the KFVN gave freely and with a passion to improve the lives of children. The enthusiasm they displayed, the joy they gave to the children, and the love they shared was something I will never forget.
  There is one person whom I’d like to give a special thanks to. Lee Sang Eun, thank you for your compassion and your courage, thank you for sharing your passion and knowledge to help improve the lives of others through education and opportunity. Most of all, thank you for sharing your experiences and making a difference in the lives of others. The relationships I built with the volunteers, workers, and children will always be cherished.
  As Ralph Waldo Emerson stated “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” Volunteering with the KFVN provided me with the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of young children. I want to express my deep appreciation and thankfulness to all of the volunteers who made this event so memorable.

Patrick McIver
Asst. Prof, Daegu Catholic University