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[Infographic] Korean TV Industry Earns Highest Rank in Competitive Advantage Report

 Features >  Korean TV Industry Earns Highest Rank in Competitive Advantage Report
Korean TV Industry Earns Highest Rank in Competitive Advantage Report

A study by the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade (KIET) shows that the Korean television industry is one of the most competitive in the world. In its report on “Analyses of Home Appliance Industries Competitiveness by Value Chain and Policy Direction” released in June, Korean televisions ranked first, scoring 89.5 out of 100 points, followed by China (80.3 points), Japan (79.2 points), the United States (75.0 points), and Taiwan (69.0 points).

According to the report’s six value-chain categories, Korea outshined other countries, earning 98.0 points for industrial design, 96.8 points for research and development and planning, and 93.8 points for production. However, the United States took first place with 95.5 points in the after-marketing and customer service category, which is based on smart services that offer a variety of media content via television. Korea claimed second place in the same category with 83.2 points. Finally, Korea ranked third for “demand” after the two large markets of China (90.3 points) and the United States (79.9 points).


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