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Dr. Jee Young-mee Appointed as KF Special Representative for Health Diplomacy

KF Activities > Dr. Jee Young-mee Appointed as KF Special Representative for Health Diplomacy
Dr. Jee Young-mee Appointed as KF Special Representative for Health Diplomacy
KF Special Representative for Health Diplomacy Jee Young-mee, left, and KF President Lee Geun

On April 24, in an effort to nurture Korea’s top-quality healthcare and disease control potential as assets for public diplomacy, the KF appointed Dr. Jee Young-mee as the KF Special Representative for Health Diplomacy. Dr. Jee is currently a member of the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Emergency Committee and is the former head of the Center for Infectious Diseases Research of the National Research Institute of Health, under the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. With her extensive on-the-job and research experience, Dr. Jee is expected to carry out various activities to introduce Korea’s healthcare, medical, and disease control capabilities.

On May 6, Dr. Jee participated in a video conference on Korea-Indonesia cooperation on COVID-19. During the meeting, which was attended by ambassadors, experts in infectious disease, and policy specialists from the two countries, she made a presentation on the current state of the pandemic in Korea, covering everything from the country’s first confirmed case through present disease control strategy. On May 13, Dr. Jee presented at the second meeting of the COVID-19 Webinar, sponsored by the KF and organized by the World History Digital Education Foundation (WHDEF). The webinar was conducted over a series of four online meetings attended by social studies and history teachers at elementary and secondary schools in the United States.

Upon receiving the letter of appointment, Dr. Jee said, “I will share the Korean experience of overcoming COVID-19 with the rest of the world and sincerely fulfill my duties as the KF Special Representative for Health Diplomacy, fully recognizing the ever growing importance of this field.”

Korea Foundation 064-804-1000webmaster@kf.or.kr


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