검색어 "Netherlands"에 대한 검색결과 "총 173건"

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[Invitation] KF Global Film Week - March 2019.02.22
...소년의 꿈 A Boy's Dream (2015) 네덜란드 Netherlands 다큐멘터리 Documentary│70min 감독 Cin...ale? 3월 20일 패밀리 콰르텟 (2017) 네덜란드 Netherlands 다큐멘터리 Documentary│90min 감독 Sim...
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한-네덜란드 수교 60주년 기념전 <변덕스러운 부피와 두께> 2021.06.23
...e Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Korea, host the Versatile V...iplomatic relations between the Netherlands and the Republic of Korea. The...
한-네덜란드 수교 60주년 기념전 《변덕스러운 부피와 두께》 개최 2021.06.22
...e Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Korea, host the Versat/te V...iplomatic relations between the Netherlands and the Republic of Korea. Aud...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
Invitation of Application for the KF Visiting professor 2013.06.07
...e platform based in Leiden, the Netherlands (www.iias.nl). It encourages t...stablished in 1993 by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (...
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  • 콘텐츠
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Korea's Improvisational Dance and Music Presented at Bimhuis 2021.04.19

Korea's Improvisational Dance and Music Presented at Bimhuis

...gpie Music Dance Company of the Netherlands,at the Bimhuis on January 12. ...dance and music troupe from the Netherlands. Katie Duck, the head of the M...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 2월 > KF Activities
New Message from the Netherlands: Recent Dutch Architecture and Design 2014.02.14

New Message from the <font color='red'>Netherlands</font>: Recent Dutch Architecture and Design

8/14–10/30 New Message from the Netherlands: Recent Dutch Architecture and Design New Messages from the Netherlands is an exhibition introducing visit...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2013년 한국국제교류재단 08월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
KF Cheonggyecheon World Music Festival 2014.09.22

KF Cheonggyecheon World Music Festival

...om Europe (Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Austria), and such other ...o Cho & Javier Girotto Duo (The Netherlands) Jazz Connection (The Netherla...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2014년 한국국제교류재단 10월 뉴스레터 > KF Activities
[Global Arts] “Versatile Volumes" Exhibition, Virtual Tour Trailer 2021.07.30

[Global Arts] “Versatile Volumes" Exhibition, Virtual Tour Trailer

...e Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Korea, host the Versatile V...iplomatic relations between the Netherlands and the Republic of Korea. The...
KF > Arts & Media

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