검색어 "Cultural_Exchange"에 대한 검색결과 "총 1019건"

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검색결과-업무(부서, 담당업무, 연락처, 팩스번호)
부서 담당업무 연락처
KF Global Center Public Diplomacy Week, KF Global Arts (Strategic Cultural Exchange Promotion program) +82-2-2151-6542
  • 게시판
  • (총 54건)
Results of the 2020-2021 Arts and Cultural Exchange Program 2019.12.19
Results of the 2020-2021 Arts and Cultural Exchange Program The Korea Foundation is pleased to announce the following grant recipients of the Arts and...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Performance] Korean Culture Day in Turkmenistan 2009.06.15
...ting of Turkmenistan, The Korea Foundation and the Korea-Central Asia Cultural Exchange Association will present a variety of Korean performances and events ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
Korea-Ukraine Contemporary Photo Exihibtion "KREAtive Perspectives" Exihibtion 2020.07.17
...mporary photography. Finally, the exhibition also aims to advance the cultural exchange between these two countries, with a particular focus on the visual ar...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Announcement] The Awardees of 2014 Korean Language Training Fellowship Program 2013.11.29
...) 아제르바이잔 Azerbaijan Nargiz Malikova 아제르바이잔-한국 문화교류협회(SEBA, Seoul-Baku Cultural Exchange Association) 통번역사∙한국어 강사(Member of International Exchange Institution...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 882건)
Bridging the World's Cultures 2021.04.19

Bridging the World's Cultures

...d the Korea Foundation for Asian Cultural Exchange in 2001 and 2004, respe...cultural exchange programs among cultural institutions has become a major ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2004년 5월 > New Staff at the Foundation
Importance of Cultural Exchange in an Age of Conflict 2021.04.19

Importance of <font color='red'>Cultural</font> <font color='red'>Exchange</font> in an Age of Conflict

...Reality of Conflict and Need for Cultural Exchange Therefore, an enhanceme...ty. Foundation for International Cultural Exchange International exchange ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2005년 8월 > New Publications II
Foundation Activities Calendar 2021.04.19

Foundation Activities Calendar

... at Yonsei University to promote exchange of ideas and develop personal ne..."May 7-16 Organizer France-Korea Cultural Exchange Association Venue Galle...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2007년 5월 > Korea-New Zealand Artists Residency Program ②
Improving Efficiency by Adjusting Team Responsibilities 2021.04.19

Improving Efficiency by Adjusting Team Responsibilities

...lement its various international exchange programs more efficiently and ma... individuals in the academic and cultural fields who have been invited to ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2001년 1월 > Korean Studies Abroad
  • 동영상
  • (총 0건)

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