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A Testament to the Friendship of Korea and Viet Nam: Itaewon’s Quy Nhon-gil


A Testament to the Friendship of Korea and Viet Nam: Itaewon’s Quy Nhon-gil

A section of Bogwang-ro 59-gil in Itaewon, Yongsan-gu, Seoul is named “Quy Nhon-gil,” or “Quy Nhon Street.” With a width of eight meters and length of just 330 meters, this mini-street was d in October 2016 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Seoul (represented by Yongsan-gu) and Quy Nhon’s sister city relations.

Quy Nhon, which is located in central Viet Nam, is famous for its mild climate year-round, wealth of natural resources, and the dazzling beauty of its sunrises and sunsets, much of which is red in some form at Quy Nhon-gil. The entrance is marked by a clock tower decorated with stylized images of the non la, the traditional Vietnamese hat. The nearby Quy Nhon Garden serves as a rest area for local residents and tourists alike.

Once you pass the clock tower, some of the first things you notice are the colorful murals of Vietnamese landscapes. These paintings, which look like independent artworks, are actually part of one project undertaken by a Korean and Vietnamese artist, and include, among other things, many Vietnamese figures dressed in traditional clothing. Meanwhile, one of the most popular destinations associated with Quy Nhon-gil is the Itaewon branch of Cong Caphe, a Vietnamese coffee franchise visited by those who are interested in Viet Nam and its culture.

Quy Nhon-gil is more than just a beautiful hot spot; it’s a symbol of the enduring friendship of Korea and Viet Nam. It also conveys a message of hope and the value of communication. How about a visit to Viet Nam Quy Nhon-gil in 2022, the 30th anniversary of Korea-Viet Nam diplomatic relations?

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