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Busan Al-Fatah Masjid: Making Islam more accessible in Korea


Busan Al-Fatah Masjid:Making Islam more accessible in Korea

Busan Al-Fatah Masjid, the second Islamic mosque built in Korea, is located in the Namsan neighborhood in Busan’s Geumjeong district. Even from a distance, its white dome s passersby to the fact that the building is a mosque. Since opening its doors in September 1980, Busan Al-Fatah Masjid has served as a spiritual resting place for both Korean and foreign Muslim residents of Busan.

At the mosque’s first floor, visitors can find an informational pamphlet and an employee at the entrance who is more than happy to answer questions and provide an easy-to-follow explanation of Islam, which is still not very widely understood in Korea. Outside of regular prayer times, visitors are welcome to step inside the central prayer area, called musalla, which is located over the second and third floors. (Entering a prayer area must be done under the direction of the mosque employee. The second floor is for men only, while the third floor is for women only.)

The prayer area is characterized by the domed, exquisitely-decorated ceiling and a bright blue carpet, the captivating beauty of which can be credited to the expert-led construction team, many of whom were part of the renovation team for the Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Turkey. According to mosque staff, immense attention was devoted to the following of traditional methods, such as using gold powder and special paints made from ground-up insect wings. The mosque’s beautiful dome is not only an artistic masterpiece but also an acoustic device that reflects and magnifies the sounds from the prayer area so that they resonate.

Those who visit Busan Al-Fatah Masjid usually also stop at one of two nearby halal restaurants to extend their experience of Islamic culture through food. Currently, other than Busan Al-Fatah Masjid, there are 19 mosques in Korea, including the Seoul Central Mosque, the Gwangju Mosque, and the Jeonju Mosque.

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