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Korean Studies in China Gains Increasing Momentum

Korean Studies in China Gains Increasing Momentum  Sun Yat-sen University Hosts the 13th Annual Conference  The 13th Conference on Korean Studies in China was held on November 6-9 at San Yu Hote in I Guangzhou, China. This year's conference, organized by Sun Yat-sen University with sponsorship support from the Korea Foundation, was participated by some 150 scholars from China, Korea, and Japan. They presented 128 papers on a variety of Korea-related topics.

The opening ceremony, over which Professor Wei Zhijiang (director of Sun Yat-sen University's Institute for Korean Studies) presided, had congratulatory remarks by Professor Yang Zhu of the university; Yang Chang-soo, Korean consul-general to Guangzhou City; and Moon Sung-ki, director of the FoundatiorVs Korean Studies Department.

Thereafter, professors from various universities in China, including Sun Yat-sen University, Nanjing University, and Peking University, made presentations on various themes including ''Urban Trading System of East Asia since the Modern Age" and the ''Current Situation, Problems and Prospects of Korea-China Relations." Through these presentations, the delegates from each country evaluated the significant progress of Korea-China relations over the past 20 years since the establishment of formal diplomatic ties, discussed the various factors that have caused discord between the two countries and possible solutions.

Korean Studies in China Gains Increasing Momentum image1Then, Professors Xu Dongri of Yanbian University and Wei Zhijiang of Sun Yat-sen University discussed the ''Theory of Hua-yi (the Civilized and the Barbarians) Revealed in Yeonhaengnok" (Journals of the Journey to China) and the ''Research of Theories on the History of China-Korea Relations after 20 Years of Diplomatic Ties," respectively. The two professors also gave lectures on the correlation of theories on the history of China-Korea relations and the international order in East Asia. During a discussion session, presided over by Professor Liu Yingsheng of Nanjing University, scholars from Korea, Japan, and China actively academic views, along with lively back and forth exchanges on a variety of matters.

The seminar dealt with three major themes: ''Retrospect and Prospect of 20 Years of Diplomatic Ties," ''Korea's Politics-Diplomacy, Economy-Society, History-Culture," and ''Regional Cooperation in East Asia Centering on the Korean Peninsula." The participants presented their ideas and produced important academic outcomes through in-depth group discussions.

The following day, a lecture series was presented to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Korea-China diplomatic relations. Lee Seo-hyeng, former vice president of the Academy of Korean Studies, and Kim Sung-ho, director of the Research Institute of Joseon History in China, lectured about the current situation, problems, and solutions for Korean Studies in both countries. And Professors Han Sang-do of Konkuk University and Sun Weiguo of Nanjing University presented papers on ''East Asia's Struggle against Anti-Colonial Rule" and ''Exchange of Scholars between Korea and China during the Joseon Period."

After the lecture series, representatives of the individual research teams made reports on the outcomes of the conference proceedings. Professor Fang Xiuyu of Fudan University represented the political and diplomatic team, Professor Zhu Yonghao of the Economic Research Institute for Northeast Asia led the economic and social team, and Li Huazi of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences reported on behalf of the historic and cultural team.

During team discussions, participants exchanged academic opinions and strengthened their personal relations for continued communication. Finally, a closing ceremony was held that praised the conference participants for playing a vital role in the development of Korean Studies. The military government of Sun Wen in Guangzhou was the only Chinese government that recognized the provisional government of Korea during Japan's occupation period. Sun Wen is known to have warmly welcomed the Korean provisional government's Prime Minister Shin Kyu-shik, and also formed diplomatic ties with Korea after a meeting with Shin.

After the conference's conclusion, the delegates had a chance to leam about Guangzhou's connections with Korea through visits to Zhujiang New Estate, Whampoa Military Academy, Sun Yat-sen Campus, and the Sino-North Korea Friendship and Blood Sacrifice Pavilion at Guangzhou Insurrection Martyr Cemetery Park. The 13th Conference on Korean Studies in China drew intense attention from the media of China and other countries. Reporters from media organizations such as Hong Kong Phoenix TV, Macao MAS TV, and the Newsletter of the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences showed keen interest in the conference by interviewing the participant scholars and running special reports and articles.

Korean Studies in China Gains Increasing Momentum image2

Professor, Sun Yat-sen University




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