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‘Korean History : Fresh Perspectives’ DVD Now Available with English Subtitles

“Korean History : Fresh Perspectives,” a ary series produced by KBS and broadcast in installments, is now available in DVD format with English subtitles, which will make it a valuable resource for the instruction and understanding of Korea’s lengthy history.

“Korean History : Fresh Perspectives” is a ary about the history of Korea that has long been popular among Korean viewers for its fresh perspective on Korean history and the use of sophisticated technology, like special imagery and effects. To enhance understanding about Korea’s lengthy and complex history, the Korea Foundation and KBS Media have joined hands to produce a DVD version of selected installments that includes English subtitles, which makes it an ideal reference resource for the instruction of Korean history at educational institutions around the world.

Korean History Education
In late 2007, the Korea Foundation formed a project committee, comprised of three Korean history professors at prestigious universities in English speaking countries, to select 20nstallme n t s , for which English subtitles would be provided, from the “Korean History : Fresh Perspectives” ary that included more than 200 installments. Based on criteria such as the potential for classroom usage in English-speaking countries and program contents, the committee members, which included Professor Michael Shin of Cambridge University, Professor Eugene Park of the Uni versi t y of California at Irvine, and Professor Andre Schmid of the University of Toronto, selected 20 installments, such as “The King Gwanggaeto Stele: The Key to Goguryeo’s Secrets,” “The Tripitaka Koreana, 50 Million Characters of High Tech,” and “How Did Women Live in the Joseon Period?”

Valuable Resource for Instruction Abroad
In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the Korean Studies courses being offered at overseas universities, in line with Korea’s growing economic status and cultural influence among the international community. However, there remains a serious lack of high-quality Korean Studies resources and video materials, in English, that can be utilized for classroom education. In fact, certain universities are even known to use materials prepared by scholars of Japanese or Chinese studies for Korean Studies courses.
In light of these circumstances, the Korea Foundation sought to produce an English-language version of the “Korean History : Fresh Perspectives” so that universities in such English-speaking countries as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia, along with prominent universities and libraries around the world, could have an additional educational resource for the instruction of Korea’s history, culture, and society.
Professor Michael Shin, who served as the editor of the English-language subtitles said he used the installment on dolmens in Korea for his lecture session, which proved to be especially helpful for enhancing student understanding about ancient Korean history, and for teaching his Korean-language translation class. In particular, the vivid video images seemed to bring to life the related information for students.
The “Korean History : Fresh Perspectives” DVD is thus expected to serve as an effective means to provide history students at universities abroad, and local history circles, with extensive factual information about the historical developments of the Korean Peninsula and the Korean people.