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July 16-August 15, 2007

1.Korean Studies Workshop for European Educators july 3-16
The Foundation conducted a Korean Studies Workshop for European Educators at the Graduate School of International Studies, Hanyang University. By attending informational lectures, and visiting cultural sites, industrial complexes, and local schools, 13 secondary school teachers of history and social studies and education administrators from ten European countries had a firsthand opportunity to acquire an ive understanding about Korea and its people.

2.Korean Studies Workshop for Southeast Asian Educators july 10-23
The Foundation hosted a two-week Korean Studies Workshop for Southeast Asian educators at the Graduate School of International Studies, Ewha Womans University. A total of 17 teachers of social studies and education administrators from eight Southeast Asian countries personally experienced various aspects of Korea, through seminars on Korea’s history, culture, politics, economy, and inter-Korean relations, as well as visits to local schools and sites of cultural and historical significance.

3.‘Chunhyang’ Musical at Shanghai International Children’s Cultural and Art Festival july 29-31
The Foundation extended support to the “Seoul” theater troupe, headed by Lee Jeong-hui, for its participation in the Shanghai International Children’s Cultural and Art Festival, which invited a diverse range of performers from 16 countries around the world. “Seoul” staged “Chunhyang,” a musical production of a traditional Korean story, which was presented in English, at the Shanghai Art Theater in China (July 29-31).

4.Invitation Program july 23-28
The Foundation hosted the visit to Korea of Dr. Franklin Garcia Fermin, External Vice President, University of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. During his stay, Vice President Fermin experienced various aspects of Korea, which included visits to the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Seoul National University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, and the Academy of Korean Studies to promote exchange and cooperation, along with touring cultural and historical attractions.

5. Lecture Tour of Central and South America august 13-17
Since 2004, the Foundation has organized annual lecture tours on Korea-related themes, under which Korean specialists are dispatched to leading universities in Central and South America. As the first of this year’s series of lecture tours, the Foundation dispatched an education specialist to El Salvador and Costa Rica to present lectures on Korea’s educational system.

6.Workshop for Korean Language Instructors in Japan august 6-11
A six-day training program on Korean-language instructional methods was held on the Shinjuku Campus of Kogakuin University, which included the attendance of some 80 Korean instructors who teach high school and university students in Japan, in addition to classes for the general public.

7.Performance of ‘Cheong’ in Los Angeles august 16
Highlights of “Cheong” (musical adapted from pansori) were presented by two lead performers of the National Changgeuk Company of Korea in Los Angeles, California, at the invitation of the Korea Academy for Educators, an institution that seeks to introduce Korean culture to educators in the U.S.

Support for Korean Studies Institutes July 16-August 15, 2007
Country Institution  Program
India Jawaharlal Nehru University Visiting professorship of Korean Studies
(politics/ economy)
Visiting professorship of Korean language/linguistics
China Peking University Visiting professorship of Korean history
Chile University of Chile Korean Studies program
Canada McGill University Acquisition of Korea-related
reference materials

Korean Collections Consortium of North America -University of Toronto Library, Canada

Sweden University of Stockholm Korean Studies course
(Korean society)
Switzerland University of Geneva Korean Studies course
(Korean culture/history)
U.S. Center for Strategic and International
Studies (CSIS)
Research on Korean-American
community/Korean-American and
Korea-U.S. relations
International Institute for Strategic
Studies (IISS)
International workshop on
the security situation of
the Korean Peninsula

Schedule of Foundation Activities September 2007
73rd Yonsei-KF Korean Studies Forum / 18th Sogang-KF Korean Studies Forum september
Korean Studies Forums, designed to promote exchange and facilitate personal networking among Korean Studies scholars and students, will be held at Yonsei University and Sogang University.
* UVenue: New Millennium Hall, Yonsei University / Kim Dae-gon Hall, Sogang University
* UContact: Fellowship Program Department

Invitation Program septemberMedia specialist, Myanmar (September 3-9)
Director, Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies (September 5-11)
President, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (September 2-9)
Director, Center for Policy Research, India (September 16-22)
* UContact: Intellectual Exchanges Department

Global Korea Speakers Forum september 4
A roundtable session, on naming of the “East Sea,” will be held with the attendance of U.S. specialists on geography.
* UCo-organizers: Korea Foundation and Society for the East Sea
* UVenue: Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C., U.S.
* UContact: Intellectual Exchanges Department

3rd Conference of Argentine Association of Korean Studies september 6-7
The conference will provide an opportunity for Korean Studies scholars in Argentina to engage in academic exchange and share their thoughts on various Korea-related matters.
* UOrganizer: Argentine Association of Korean Studies
* USupport: Korea Foundation
* UVenue: University of Tucuman, Argentina
* UContact: Korean Studies Department

Workshop for Korean Language Educators in Europe september 7-9
The workshop, which will include special lectures and case presentation sessions, will be attended by Korean-language professors and instructors at European universities as well as scholars from Korea.
* UCo-organizers: Korea Foundation and International Association for Korean Language Education
* UVenue: Oriental Institute, Warsaw University, Poland
* UContact: Korean Language Department

International Ceramics Design Exchange Exhibition september 7-28
The exhibition will feature ceramic tableware of Korea, Japan, and China from a modern perspective, through the display of 70 ceramic works by potters and designers from the three East Asian countries.
* UOrganizer: Korea Ceramics Design Association
* UVenue ÅContact: KF Cultural Center (Gallery Nuri)

Participation in 10th Istanbul Biennale september 8-november 4, 2007
Art works by six contemporary Korean artists will be exhibited at the Istanbul Biennale.
* UOrganizer: Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts
* USupport: Korea Foundation
* UVenue: Istanbul, Turkey
* UContact: Culture and Arts Department

Dean of College of Humanities, Novosibirsk State University, Russia september 9-15
The Foundation will host the visit to Korea of Dean Leonid Panin of the College of Humanities, Novo-sibirsk State University, a member of the Russian Association of Universities Offering Korean Studies Programs (RAUK). During his stay, Dean Panin will visit cultural and historical sites and relevant institutions, including sister universities, academic and cultural organizations, and the Foundation, to enhance his understanding about Korea and Korean Studies and to discuss future cooperation.
* UContact: Korean Studies Department

Turkey Film Week september 10-14
A total of five Turkish films will be screened in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Turkey.
* UOrganizer: Turkish Embassy in Korea
* UVenueÅContact: KF Cultural Center

Polish Photo Exhibition:‘Way to Freedom: From Solidarity to Europe’september 10-29
The exhibition will feature 56 photographs of Poland from the end of World War II to the present day.
* UOrganizer: Polish Embassy in Korea
* UVenueÅContact: Gallery Areum, KF Cultural Center

Korean Studies Workshop for Chinese Educators september 11-20
A total of 30 Chinese Ministry of Education officials and high school teachers, from Beijing, Hainan, Shanghai, and Jilin, will attend a Korean Studies workshop in Korea. The workshop session is intended to help the participants acquire a more in-depth understanding about Korea through lectures on various topics, and visits to sites of cultural and historical importance, local schools, and industrial complexes.
* UOrganizer: Korea Foundation
* UVenue: International Education Center, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
* UContact: Fellowship Program Department

Joint Performance of ‘Pansori-Flamenco' at Festival Asia, Spain september 15
Joint performance of Korean pansori and Spanish flamenco will be staged at the Festival Asia, a representative festival of Asian culture organized by Casa Asia of Spain.
* UCo-organizers: Korea Foundation and MOM Produccions
* UVenue: Barcelona, Spain
* UContact: Culture and Arts Department

4th Korean Studies Workshop for Vietnamese High School Teachers september 21-23
The Foundation is sponsoring a Korean Studies workshop for high school teachers of social studies from the Can Tho region of Vietnam. The workshop is designed to provide the Vietnamese teachers with an opportunity to enhance their understanding about Korea’s politics, economy, society, and culture, so that they can more effectively instruct their students about Korea.
* UVenue: Can Tho City, Vietnam
* UContact: Korean Studies Department

Korean Art Exhibition in Italy september 29-december 15, 2007
An exhibition featuring figurative art works by nine Korean artists will be presented in Italy.
* UOrganizer: Palazzo Bricherasio, Italy
* USupport: Korea Foundation
* UVenue: Turin, Italy
* UContact: Culture and Arts Department

* Information Intellectual Exchange Department 82-2-3463-5613 intellectual@kf.or.kr
Culture and Arts Department 82-2-3463-5615 cultural@kf.or.kr
Korean Studies Department 82-2-3463-5612 studies@kf.or.kr
Korean Language Department 82-2-3463-5784 language@kf.or.kr
Fellowship Program Department 82-2-3463-5614 fellow@kf.or.kr
KF Cultural Center 82-2-3789-5600 kfcenter@kf.or.kr