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Foundation Activities

Next-Generation Leaders Program

The Foundation hosted a visit of next-generation European leaders, from political, government, business, academic and media sectors to Korea (October 29-November 5, 2006). Young leaders from 10 European countries participated in a forum with 15 of their Korean counterparts to exchange opinions on future Korea-Europe cooperation. They also learned about Korea's economy, politics, diplomacy, unification and culture in addition to building personal networks.

Fellowship for Graduate Studies and Field Research

Under the Fellowship for Graduate Studies Program for 2006-2007, the Foundation awarded grants to 157 students in 11 Asian, European and Oceania countries: China, Mongolia, Vietnam, India, Uzbekistan, Russia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Australia and New Zealand. In December, the Foundation's Moscow office hosted a meeting of former KF Fellows of Field Research and Korean Language Training from Russia to build personal networks and promote exchange among these fellows. Meanwhile, a total of 29 individuals from 15 countries have been invited to Korea for on-site field research.

International Conferences

The Foundation extended support to two international conferences: a global conference to commemorate the 25th UN International Day of Peace hosted by the Institute of Brighter Society Center for the Reconstruction of Human Society (November 4), and a conference on exposition and modernization in East Asia hosted by the Association of Art and Culture (November 25).

16th Bratislava Month of Photography

The Foundation supported special photo exhibitions on contemporary Korea at the 16th Bratislava Month of Photography "FOTOFO." The works of 16 contemporary Korean photographers were featured in two separate exhibitions, "Korean Photography of the 2nd Half of the 20th Century" and "Korea New Days," held at Bratislava, Slovakia (November 2-December 3, 2006).

ICMC 2006: Traditional Korean Music Performances

The Foundation provided support for the traditional Korean music performances at the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), held at Tulane University in the U.S. (November 6-9).

Invitation Program

Distinguished individuals who visited Korea under the Invitation Program included: Bapasi Magola Mphusu, Director, Department of Broadcasting Services, Botswana Television and Radio, Botswana (Nov. 5-11); Sergei Shlopak, President, Belarus-Korea Parliamentary Friendship Association (Nov. 13-17); John Morrow, Dean, Faculty of Arts, University of Auckland, New Zealand (Nov. 15-23); Gustavo Garcia, Principal, University of Panama, Panama (Nov. 20-25); Raouf Ben Amor, Artistic Director, International Carthage Festival, Tunisia (Nov. 26-Dec. 3); and Dora Celton, Director, Center of Advanced Studies, National University of Cordoba, Argentina (Nov. 27-Dec.4). The invited guests enhanced their understanding of Korea and developed personal relationships with their Korean counterparts through visits to relevant organizations as well as various cultural and commercial attractions.

1st Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Forum

The Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Forum was launched in 2006 to promote the development of Korea-ASEAN relations, based on a comprehensive dialogue channel at the nongovernmental level. Co-organized by the Korea Foundation and IFANS of Korea, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies of Indonesia, the 1st Korea-ASEAN Cooperation Forum was held in Jakarta on November 10-12, with the participation of 31 representatives from the academic, business, cultural, and government sectors.

Participation in International Events

The Foundation contributed to the participation of selected Korean scholars in international events: Professor of Ballet, Kim Sun-hee, Korean National University, who attended a contemporary choreography competition in Mexico City (November 10-18), and Professor of Religious Studies, Kim Chae Young, Sogang University, who attended the symposium "Women's Issues in Korean Society: Religious Approach?(November 21-24).

Korean Speech Contest of the East China Region
The Foundation supported the Korean Speech Contest of the East China Region, organized by the Korean Consulate General in Shanghai, which was held at Yangzhou University on November 15, with the participation of 20 contestants.

Korea Week at University of Delhi, India
The Department of East Asian Studies of the University of Delhi hosted "Korea Week" (November 20-24), which was well received by about 700 students and residents. The events included a performance of ?ing Kim Suro and Queen Heo," as well as calligraphy and photo exhibitions.

Korea Week at University of New South Wales, Australia

KF-UNSW Korea Week was celebrated at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia (November 20-25). Related events included a showing of Korean films, colloquium on Korea-related issues, and workshop for Korean-language instructors, which were attended by UNSW students and professors, as well as Korean-language educators from secondary schools and other universities.

"Korea in Spain, Spain in Korea" Seminar

With support from the Foundation, the Spanish Center on Korean Research hosted a seminar entitled "Korea in Spain, Spain in Korea." About 300 students and some 100 lawyers, diplomats, and journalists attended the seminar, where delegates from Spain and Korea discussed bilateral relations, in regard to their political, economic, and cultural exchange activities.

Korean Painting Exhibition at the Museum of Asian Art, Greece

The Foundation supported an exhibition of Korean paintings shown at the Museum of Asian Art in Greece (November 21, 2006-February 28, 2007). Entitled "Korea through its Landscapes," the exhibition featured Korean paintings and folding screens from the museum's collection.

Mokwha Repertory Company's Performances at London's Barbican Centre

With Foundation support, the Mokwha Repertory Company staged "Romeo and Juliet" at the Barbican Centre in London (November 23-December 9), as part of the Barbican International Theatre Events (BITE), one of the most prestigious modern theatrical programs in the U.K.

Traditional Korean Music Performance in Denmark

The Foundation sponsored the performance of traditional Korean music at the Bellevue Theater in Copenhagen, Denmark (November 8). Hosted by the Korean Embassy in Denmark, the performance, which featured binari, salpuri, pansori, ajaeng sanjo and gayageum byeongchang, served as a rare occasion to introduce traditional Korean music to the Danish people.

"Through the Looking Glass: Korean Contemporary Art" Exhibition

The Foundation provided assistance to the Asia House of the U.K. for its organization of an exhibition "Through the Looking Glass: Korean Contemporary Art. " "The exhibition, which is being held at the Asia House (November 23, 2006-March 3, 2007), features video, installation, painting, and sculpture works by 10 contemporary artists from Korea. As the first large-scale exhibition of contemporary Korean art held in the U.K., this is part of the "Think Korea 2006."

Korea-Austria Philharmonic Orchestra Concert

The Foundation provided support for the 8th concert of the Korea-Austria Philharmonic Orchestra, held at the Konzerthaus in Vienna, Austria (November 28).

Korean Composition Contest at Silpakorn University, Thailand

The Korea Language Department of Silpakorn University held a Korean Composition Contest on November 28, at its campus. The contest, in which about 100 Silpakorn University students participated, served as a special occasion to make the Korean language more widely known in Thailand.

Conference on Governmental Innovation in Korea at UCLA

The Center for Korean Studies of UCLA hosted an international conference entitled "Governmental Innovation in Korea: Historical Perspectives." Professors from UCLA, University of Hawaii, UC Irvine, USC, and Seoul National University presented papers and discussed the governmental innovation implemented during the Goguryeo, Goryeo, and Joseon eras, and modern Korea.

6th Korea-India Forum

The 6th Korea-India Forum, hosted by Seoul International Forum and ICRIER of India, and supported by the Foundation, was held in New Delhi, India (December 11-12). The participants, 12 delegates from Korea and 30 from India, exchanged opinions on ways to further promote bilateral relations. The forum served as a positive example of a Track II initiative that contributed to a deepening of Korea-India relations.

Lecture Tour of the Middle East (Korean Economy and IT Industry)

The Foundation dispatched scholars of the Korean economy and IT industry to present lectures at Middle Eastern countries, in an effort to enhance understanding about and interest in Korea. The lecture sessions, held at Damascus University, Syria (December 12), University of Jordan (December 14), Sana's University, Yemen (December 17), and Qatar University (December 19), were well attended by university students, scholars, and relevant individuals. The lectures, on the role of government in economic development and Korea's IT development policy, were followed by lively discussions.

Conference on Korean Society at Georgetown University

The Foundation extended support to Georgetown University for its hosting of "Georgetown Alliance Project: Georgetown Conference on Korean Society 2006"(December 14-15). Scholars and specialists from Korea, the U.S., China, and Thailand attended the conference to discuss matters related to the politics, economics, and regional integration of the Korean Peninsula and East Asia.

1st Korean Studies Workshop for Secondary School Teachers of Malaysia

Co-sponsored by the Foundation, the Korean Embassy in Malaysia, and the Department of East Asian Studies of the University of Malaya, the 1st Korean Studies Workshop for Secondary School Teachers of Malaysia was held on December 26-27. Korean Studies and language professors from the University of Malaya, the National University of Malaysia, and the Universiti Technologi MARA (UiTM) made presentations on Korean history, culture, and society to 50 secondary school teachers from the Kuala Lumpur area.

Korean Speech Contest in Bulgaria

The Foundation supported the 2nd Korean Speech Contest in Bulgaria, co-organized by the Korean Embassy in Bulgaria and Sofia University. It was held at the university's Center for Oriental Languages and Cultures (November 29). 23 university students participated in this contest.

Korean Speech Contest in Hong Kong

With the assistance from the Foundation, the Korean Consulate General in Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong held the 2nd Korean Speech Contest on December 2. Hong Kong residents, including foreigners, participated in the contest to demonstrate their Korean-language proficiency.

Korean Speech Contest in Thailand

The Foundation supported the 3rd Korean Speech Contest, which was hosted by the Korean Embassy in Thailand and Burapha University at the university? Center for Korean Studies on December 15. The contest included the participation of about 20 students majoring in Korean Language

Korean Speech Contest in Myanmar

The 4th Korean Speech Contest, organized by the Korean Embassy in Myanmar and supported by the Foundation, was held at Sedona Hotel in Myanmar on December 16, in which 12 finalists from a preliminary round competed for recognition of their Korean-language ability.

Korean Speech Contest in Northeast China

With support from the Foundation, the Consulate General in Shenyang hosted a Korean Speech Contest for the three provinces of Northeast China at the Nanshan Guesthouse (December 17). This final round included the top 12 students from preliminary rounds held at 13 universities with Korean language departments in the Chinese provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang.

4th Annual ANU Korean Postgraduate Studies Conference

With support from the Foundation, the Australian National University held the 4th Korean Post-graduate Studies Conference. About 40 participants presented papers and discussed relevant issues at the event, which was attended by some 200 professors and students of Korean Studies, as well as Asian studies, from Australian National University, University of Auckland, Griffith University, University of Sydney, Monash University and New South Wales University.

"Midsummer Night's Dream" Performance Tour in Australia

The Foundation extended support for the Yohangza Theatre Company's performances of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in Australia (January 20-February 24), which were staged in Sydney, Perth, and Adelaide.

Support for Universities & Institutions

Three Korean Studies Professorships to be established at University of Michigan
The University of Michigan has long sought to better balance the development of its Korean Studies, in regard to its more established Chinese and Japanese studies programs. As such, the University of Michigan recently decided to establish three Korean Studies professorships of Korean literature, art history, and history (modern or pre-modern).
The university has selected a scholar for the Korean literature professorship, and is currently undertaking its recruitment procedures for the art history and history positions. Of note, it is unprecedented for such a prestigious university to establish three professorships of Korean Studies at the same time. With the addition of these three professorships, the Korean Studies program at the University of Michigan will emerge as one of the most prominent programs in North America. Moreover, the expanded Korean Studies program will contribute significantly to the emergence of the next generation of Korea-related scholars and specialists.