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2021 Nowruz in Seoul: Central Asian Spring Festival

KF Activities > 2021 Nowruz in Seoul: Central Asian Spring Festival
2021 Nowruz in Seoul: Central Asian Spring Festival

From March 19 to April 3, Nowruz, the Central Asian New Year’s Day, will be celebrated with a festival held mostly online by the KF’s Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat. The festival will be comprised of various interactive events, including a photography competition called Show Me the Nowruz; an online singing contest called Voice of Nowruz; an online cinema week, and a cooking class.

The festival will serve as an occasion for Koreans to learn more about Central Asian culture, even amid the obstacles posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. To observe social distancing, the film screenings will be held on a small scale as well as online. Viewers of the online cooking class will be invited to cook along with the chefs, with meal kits containing Nowruz dishes available to participants on a first-come, first-served basis. Come relieve your pandemic stress by participating in Nowruz in Seoul from the safety of your home!

3/19-4/3Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat 02-2151-6573smlee@kf.or.kr