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‘Koreana’ Travel Column Launches 

KF Activities > ‘Koreana’ Travel Column Launches in Video Format
‘Koreana’ Travel Column Launches  in Video Format

The KF will produce a video version of “On the Road,” the culture-centered travel column in its comprehensive arts and culture quarterly, Koreana, in print since 1987.

The first video, focusing on Haenam County, will be released on October 23, with new videos posted each Friday. Viewers will be taken on tours of regional highlights through videos that will be available on the KF’s YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/TheKoreanaFoundation) and Koreana’s website (www.koreana.or.kr).

10/23-12/11 Arts and Culture Department 064-804-1153 ykhong@kf.or.kr