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Eurasian Academy

KF Activities > Eurasian Academy
Eurasian Academy

The KF Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat will launch pilot projects of the Eurasian Academy from November to December this year in Seoul and at major provincial institutions of higher learning.
  The Eurasian Academy will go into full swing next year as part of the government’s Northern Policy to meet the growing demand for young scholars with regional expertise by enhancing Korean youths’ interest in Central Asia and understanding of the region.
  In preparation for full-fledged operation next year, the Eurasian Academy will conduct special lectures as its pilot program to provide information about Central Asia to students of major colleges and universities in provincial areas. The lectures will offer basic knowledge about Eurasia under such diverse titles as “Eurasia in the World,” “Eurasian Region at First Glance,” “Emergence of New Continentalism,” “Vision for Korea-Eurasia Cooperation,” “Geo-political Significance of Central Asia,” and “Prospects for Future Development.”
  The pilot lectures, in affiliation with the KF’s 2019 program to support young experts in Central Asia, will be linked with support for on-site training and employment of Korean youths in the region as well as for their business start-ups. The Eurasian Academy’s pilot lectures are expected to inspire many young Korean men and women with an interest in Central Asia.

Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat 02-2151-6573 smlee@kf.or.kr