...s recently been published with the Korea Foundation's support. Featuring... With this English edition being made available to readers abroad, the v...
The Korea Foundation regularly provides universities, public libraries, res...line resources, the Foundation has made available financial support for Ko...
The Korea Foundation has launched a new e-Books Library service (http://e... will be continuously uploaded and made accessible to readers, in line wit...
What's On > Being “Made in Korea” Matters to K-pop Groups and Enhances Na...of training in Korea, communicating in Korean, debuting in Korea, and appe...
...s > Meeting Korean Culture Abroad: Korea and Korean Cinema Accessible All ...s. Korean Film Festivals featuring made-in-Korea movies only are held acro...
LIFE IN LOVE WITH KOREA Darcy Paquet: Advocate for Korean Indie Film Film c...f filmmakers and low-budget movies made with less than 1billion won (about...
...extended much-needed assistance to Korea in the 1960s and 1970s, gathered ...d a number of individuals who have made noteworthy contributions to Korea,...