검색어 "entertainment"에 대한 검색결과 "총 662건"

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2014 스타트업: 한∙영 창조∙사회적 기업 네트워크 2014.11.20
...njamin Gibbs  Flowify   http://www.flowify.net/ Mike Delves  Yippee Entertainment   http://www.yippee-entertainment.com Ian Ricardson  Carbon Digital  http://www.carbondigital.co.uk/...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[Notice] Cancellation: 2018 Vietnamese Cultural Tourism Festival 2018.10.04
...7, the Vietnamese government has decided to officially suspend  all entertainment activities over this period both at home and abroad.   For this re...
ASEAN > News > Notice
[스포츠조선] '힙한 아세안! 시즌2'…KF, 아세안 문화 이해하기 영상 3편 소개 2023.09.14
https://sports.chosun.com/entertainment/2023-09-13/202309130000000000012306 위 링크를 클릭하시면 인터뷰를 보실 수 있습니다.
아세안문화원 > 새소식 > 언론보도
[스포츠조선] 아세안문화원, 내달 필리핀·베트남·미얀마 요리 교실 개강 2023.10.16
https://sports.chosun.com/entertainment/2023-10-10/202310100000000000009080 위 링크를 클릭하시면 인터뷰를 보실 수 있습니다.
아세안문화원 > 새소식 > 언론보도
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 168건)
Political TV Programs Evolving: Why So Serious? 2017.10.17

Political TV Programs Evolving: Why So Serious?

LIFE ENTERTAINMENT Political TV Programs Evolving: Why So Serious? Political entertainment programs are the hottest television content nowadays.In the...
KF > Arts & Media
Eighth U.S. Army Shows and Korean Pop Music 2020.06.30

Eighth U.S. Army Shows and Korean Pop Music

...gave rise to a burgeoning live entertainment industry catering to these se...s to professional agencies for entertainment management. Such claims, if n...
KF > Arts & Media
From Idol to Artist 2019.10.04

From Idol to Artist

...ption: they come from a modest entertainment company, sing in a language t...Entertainment and EXO under SM Entertainment — Bang dissected the music ma...
KF > Arts & Media
Unmasking Personas 2020.10.15

Unmasking Personas

LIFE Entertainment Unmasking Personas Celebrities displaying a thoroughly d...provide an amusing twist to TV entertainment. How is this trend related to...
KF > Arts & Media
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