...गा) 트리뷴대학교 정치교육학과 정교수 Tribhuvan University Department of Political Science...(李 培德) 홍콩대학교 인문사회과학 연구소 조교수 The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Institut...
...tudies 연구원 3 King Kwong Wong 영국 University of Southern California East Asi...or 학부 3학년 33 SZE KI YAN 중국 City University of Hong Kong Asian & Internatio...
...गा) 트리뷴대학교 정치교육학과 정교수 Tribhuvan University Department of Political Science...(李 培德) 홍콩대학교 인문사회과학 연구소 조교수 The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Institut...
...itutions include Seoul National University, Korea University, Sungkyunkwan...f Vietnam; Chulalongkorn University of Thailand; University of Hong Kong; ...
...aze for Hallyu Raises Understanding of Korea Craze for Hallyu Raises Under...IM So Hye KF Visiting Professor University of Hong Kong Greetings from Hon...
...nference (ICMC), held at Tulane University in the U.S. (November 6-9). Inv... contest. Korean Speech Contest in Hong Kong With the assistance from the ...
...und the world: Egypt (December 9), Hong Kong (December 11), Bulgaria (Dece... (December 17). Venue•Ain Shams University, Egypt; Chinese University of H...