...실내악 위주의 콘서트로 출발한 축제가 하드웨어적으로도 규모가 큰 오페라를 감당할 수 있을 정도로 성장한 것이다. 부예술감독 손열음(Son Yeol-eum)을 비롯해 젊은 음악가들이 웅숭깊은 앙상블을 들려줬고, 세대와 국적이 다른 연주자들이 이루는 하모니가 굳건하게 자리 잡았...
...uled to perform a duet with pianist Son Yeoleum, a close friend who was li...s get out of a competition? Pianist Son Yeol-eum, who had come in second p...
...ed as a chamber music festival, has grown to accommodate operas. Pianist Son Yeol-eum, the festival's associate artistic director, and other young musici...
... 17 at the International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow in 2011, with Son Yeol Eum taking second. Today, finding a Korean name among the winners of It...