검색어 "Ramadan"에 대한 검색결과 "총 14건"

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[World in Korea] Ramadan Comes to Seoul Central Mosque, Largest Mosque in Korea 2020.04.23

[World in Korea] <font color='red'>Ramadan</font> Comes to Seoul Central Mosque,  Largest Mosque in Korea

KF Features > [World in Korea] Ramadan Comes to Seoul Central Mosque, Large...me of the year in preparation for Ramadan. Ramadan is the most important a...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.05 > feature
Indonesian Muslim Dinner Party, Buka puasa bersama 2023.12.04

Indonesian Muslim Dinner Party, Buka puasa bersama

... held during the fasting month of Ramadan in the 9th month of the Islamic ...2023) was most impressive. During Ramadan, buka puasa is when Muslims brea...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2023년 12월 VOL76 > Special Feature
Holidays of ASEAN 2021.08.24

Holidays of ASEAN

...oliday that celebrates the end of Ramadan, theninth month of the Islamic c...tional holiday held the day after Ramadan ends. This is a day of festivals...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2021년 9월 VOL49 > Special Feature
A Harmonious Cultural Collage, Singapore of a Global City-state 2018.04.01

A Harmonious Cultural Collage, Singapore of a Global City-state

... and death of the Buddha; Hari Raya Aidilfitri, which marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting; and Thaipusam, a Hindu ceremony t...
ACH NEWSLETTER > 2018년 4월 VOL8 > Special
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