검색어 "Popular_Music"에 대한 검색결과 "총 511건"

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[Notice of Cancellation] KF-BCCK Special Lecture Brazilian's Nationality and Popular Music 2016.05.04
...KF Global Academy] KF-BCCK Special Lecture Brazilian's Nationality and Popular Music May 13, 2016 (Friday) 7:00-8:30 pm / KF Seminar Room ※ The lecture has...
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Korea Foundation Concert - Report 2009.07.01
...a unique mix of traditional Korean music with modern elements. Yoon Keum-j...music such as Schubert's "Trout", popular songs such as "Fly Me to the Moo...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[PR] New Documentary Films on Korean Culture 2008.01.04
...ae, and the traditional percussion music of Samulnori. It also highlights ...adaptation of one of Korea's most popular TV dramas that has been shown wo...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[예매안내] 2019 아세안 영화주간- 아세안 영화, 현재를 만나다! 2019.10.17
...캄보디아 쩜빠 밧탐방: 영혼의 노래 In the Life of Music Cambodia Ι 2018 Ι 92' Ι Color Ι D...s known for her cleverness and is popular among upper-class men, who she d...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 307건)
A Journey to Reconciliation through Pop Music 2018.10.08

A Journey to Reconciliation through Pop <font color='red'>Music</font>

SPECIAL FEATURE Prelude to Peace: Inter-Korean Détente in Popular Culture SPECIAL FEATURE 2 A Journey to Reconciliation through Pop Music North and So...
KF > Arts & Media
Eighth U.S. Army Shows and Korean Pop Music 2020.06.30

Eighth U.S. Army Shows and Korean Pop <font color='red'>Music</font>

SPECIAL FEATURE Before K-Pop: Popular Music since the Korean War SPECIAL FE... in their job. The American-style popular music they played in the U.S. Ar...
KF > Arts & Media
Pop Music Blooms in the Depths of Despair 2019.04.03

Pop <font color='red'>Music</font> Blooms in the Depths of Despair

...oad to Modernity: Korea in the Early 20th Century SPECIAL FEATURE 4 Pop Music Blooms in the Depths of Despair In Korea, popular music started to thrive in the early 20th century, when overseas reco...
KF > Arts & Media
Tracks from War-Torn Years 2020.06.29

Tracks  from War-Torn Years

SPECIAL FEATURE Before K-Pop: Popular Music since the Korean War SPECIAL FE...hip between war and Korean popular music has yet to be succinctly explaine...
KF > Arts & Media
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