한국-캐나다 수교 60주년 기념전시 《모두의 어떤 차이》 연계 아티스트 토크를 신청해주셔서 감사합니다. 참석자 명단을 아래와 같이 발표하오니, 성함과 신청 인원을 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다. 부득이한 사정으로 참석이 어려우신 경우, 원활한 행사 진행을 위해 사전에 아래 ...
...s and gentlemen, I’m Gheewhan Kim, President of Korea Foundation. It...s. Also, we will be showing Artist Pixel Hyun-woo Kim(픽셀 현우 김) and his new...
...s and gentlemen, I’m Gheewhan Kim, President of Korea Foundation. It...s. Also, we will be showing Artist Pixel Hyun-woo Kim and his new artwork ...
... by the late Korea-Canadian sculptor Won Lee, the Math Drawing series by Kim Hyunwoo(Pixel Kim), painting by Michelle Bennie, and video works by the Conference o...
...individuals and teams, including late Canadian-Korean sculptor Won Lee, Pixel Kim (Kim Hyunwoo), Michelle Bennie, Brian Ehnis, and other National accessA..., Brian Ehnis, Carol Harris, and Pixel Kim. Believing that artistic crea...sit the KF website ( Pixel Kim, Pixel Documenta, mixed media...
... include the acclaimed Korean-Canadian sculptor Won Lee (1946–2021) and Pixel Kim (Kim Hyunwoo), a multi-genre artist noted for experimental two- and thr...