검색어 "Overseas Hansik Consumer Survey"에 대한 검색결과 "총 3건"

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[Infographic] Hansik Brand Power Ranked 4th Globally 2022.05.26

[Infographic] <font color='red'>Hansik</font> Brand Power Ranked 4th Globally

...ood Promotion Institute surveyed overseas consumers of Korean food, or Han...ng relatively high. Source: 2021 Overseas Hansik Consumer Survey by Minist...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.06 > KF Features
From Instant to Restaurant-Quality Foods 2020.10.15

From Instant to Restaurant-Quality Foods

...f brands are steady sellers, and overseas buying is rising. © CJ Cheiljeda...ry ingredients, but left for the consumer to prepare and cook. Although RT...
KF > Arts & Media
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