검색어 "Museum"에 대한 검색결과 "총 2025건"

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  • (총 2건)
검색결과-업무(부서, 담당업무, 연락처, 팩스번호)
부서 담당업무 연락처
Arts & Culture Department Support for Overseas Museums, Support for Establishment of Endowed Curatorship, Support for Korean Art Curator Workshop +82-64-804-1111
Arts & Culture Department Support for Overseas Museums, Support for Establishment of Endowed Curatorship, Support for Korean Art Curator Workshop +82-64-804-1141
  • 게시판
  • (총 385건)
[신청] 해외 박물관 객원 큐레이터 파견 프로그램 2009.07.20
...             Eligibility Applying museum should qualify under one of the f...of the Korean Gallery between the museum and the Foundation.      Expenses...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
[Notice] Overseas Museums Visiting Curator Program 2009.07.10
...             Eligibility Applying museum should qualify under one of the f...of the Korean Gallery between the museum and the Foundation.      Expenses...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[Invitation] Ms. Marsha L. Semmel, Deputy Director for Museums and Director for Strategic Partnerships, Institute of Museum and Library Services, USA 2009.05.20
...ategic Partnerships, Institute of Museum and Library Services, USA, will v... Foundation. After commencing her museum career at the Taft Museum in Cinc...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
Support Program for Korea Day Events at Museums Abroad 2014.02.04
...ure and arts, guided tours of the museum's Korean gallery, talk sessions w...stigious museums as the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, and the Museum ...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 1032건)
Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities' New East Asian Project 2014.02.27

<font color='red'>Museum</font> of Far Eastern Antiquities' New East Asian Project

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm opened a permanent Korea...m of Modern Art, the Architecture Museum, and the National Museum of Swede...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2012년 한국국제교류재단 4월 뉴스레터 > culture
Discovering Korea through Artifacts from German Collections 2021.04.19

Discovering Korea through Artifacts from German Collections

...to open on March 25, 2011, at the Museum of East Asian Art in Cologue. The...Museum of Art and Crafts Hamburg; Museum of Ethnography Leipzig; Museum of...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2011년 2월 > news
William M. Griswold, Director and President of the Cleveland Museum of Art: A Collection of the Greatest Rarity and Real Significance 2018.05.28

William M. Griswold, Director and President of the Cleveland <font color='red'>Museum</font> of Art: A Collection of the Greatest Rarity and Real Significance

...or and President of the Cleveland Museum of Art: A Collection of the Great... by Robert Koehler #William_Griswold#Cleveland_Museum_of_Art#Art#KF_Gallery
KF NEWSLETTER > 2018년 한국국제교류재단 6월 뉴스레터 > KF Interviews & Essays
Wartime Defenders of Cultural Treasures 2020.10.15

Wartime Defenders of Cultural Treasures

... of Cultural Treasures A National Museum of Korea special exhibition, “The...nal Museum of Korea, formerly the Museum of the Japanese Government-Genera...
KF > Arts & Media

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