...n, 한국국제교류재단, 이사장 김기환)가 지원하는 <한국 여성감독 영화 상영 시리즈(A New Wave of K-Cinema: Korean Women Directors)>가 6월 8일(목)부터 29일(목)까지 미국 아카데미 영화박물관(Academy Museum of Motio...
...t's On > Academy Museum Launches Korean Women Directors' Film Series Acad...w Wave of K-Cinema: Korean Women Directors,” the museum plans to show film...
...shington University Institute for Korean Studies Interview with Jisoo M. K...(AKS) Core University Program for Korean Studies Directors' Meeting in Tüb...
...nderstand Korea, Koreans, and the Korean Peninsula when I have knowledge o... mention it to the producers and directors (laughs).” Could you tell us ab...
...of Nova Petropolis in Brazil, the Korean percussion art group HATA staged ...ted six films of leading Italian directors, including debut films of young...