검색어 "Gimpo Cultural Foundation"에 대한 검색결과 "총 8건"

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[Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Korean Woodcut Exhibition Opened in France 2022.05.26

[Meeting Korean Culture Abroad] Korean Woodcut Exhibition Opened in France

...French contemporary woodcuts is being hosted in Korea and France by the Gimpo Cultural Foundation of Korea, the School of Fine Arts (École des Beaux-Arts) i...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.06 > KF Features
KF-GIYFF International Cultural Exchange Film Screening with Embassy of Latvia 2022.05.12

KF-GIYFF International <font color='red'>Cultural</font> Exchange Film Screening with Embassy of Latvia

...o and the Gimpo International Youth Film Festival (GIYFF), the Korea Foundation hosted the KF-GIYFF International Cultural Exchange Film Screening with the Embassy of Latvia at the Gimpo CGV o...
KF > Arts & Media
KF News 2021.04.19

KF News

1. Foundation-YTN Public Service Campaign The Korea Foundation has produced...l image, emphasizes the value of cultural influences in today's age of int...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 1월 > President's Message for the New Year
92 Days in Korea 2021.04.19

92  Days in Korea

...Fellowship granted by the Korea Foundation. Getting that help was critical... Foreign Studies and the Korean Foundation Cultural Center's library. I al...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 11월 > Moscow Office
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