검색어 "Dialects"에 대한 검색결과 "총 20건"

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<2024 공공외교랩소디 - VIBE VOYAGE(교류하는, 여행)> 개최 및 예매 안내 2024.07.17
...tterns. The group's name, TAAL, is a word meaning "rhythm" in various dialects spoken in India and Pakistan. Its emblematic for the group's high-cla...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
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[Digital Contents] Are Dialects Translatable? 2022.05.26

[Digital Contents] Are <font color='red'>Dialects</font> Translatable?

Are Dialects Translatable? Dialects in Hallyu Content to Promote Provincial Regions Jung Duk-hyun, Pop culture Critic The seventh episode of the Apple...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.06 > KF Features
[Korea Now] Viewers Charmed by Korea's Dialects 2024.03.21

[Korea Now] Viewers Charmed by Korea's <font color='red'>Dialects</font>

 Featuers >  Viewers Charmed by Korea's Dialects Viewers Charmed by Korea's Dialects Korean dialects, often regarded as countrified or funny, are attr...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2024.04 > Features
Memories of Bigeumdo 2016.08.22

Memories of Bigeumdo

... more specifically, that of Bigeumdo, which is distinctive from other dialects of the region. It is somewhat more refined and expressive compared to...
KF > Arts & Media
[KF Mailbox] From Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia 2022.11.23

[KF Mailbox] From Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia

...raditional Indonesian dance—and second foreign languages and regional dialects. In addition to their major subjects, students must complete a foreig...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2022.12 > People
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