검색어 "Crown Prince Sado"에 대한 검색결과 "총 7건"

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Following King Jeong jo to his ‘Brilliant Fortress' 2019.04.03

Following King Jeong jo to his ‘Brilliant Fortress'

... fortress and to visit the tomb of Crown Prince Sado, the king's father, l...f Crown Prince Sado. The ill-fated crown prince's tomb lies on Mt. Hwa, so...
KF > Arts & Media
Korean Culture Class Goes to Hwaseong 2018.06.26

Korean Culture Class Goes to Hwaseong

...olleung, the royal tombs of King Jeongjo and his queen, and his father, Crown Prince Sado, and his princess, before strolling along the Hwaseong Haenggung ...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2018년 한국국제교류재단 7월 뉴스레터 > FKF News
Kegan Paul International 2021.04.19

Kegan Paul International

... on her court life as a young girl, her adolescent years as consort to Prince Sado, and the happy and sad times throughout her life. Rounding out the seri...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2000년 7월 > Publishers Abroad
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