검색어 "Alphabet"에 대한 검색결과 "총 172건"

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《불가리아의 글자-유럽의 알파벳》 전시 기간 연장 (~7.10.) 2020.06.19
...bition The Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe. On display will be 30... the 30 letters of the Bulgarian alphabet, one of early Europe's three maj...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
한-불가리아 30주년 기념전《불가리아의 글자-유럽의 알파벳》 개최 2020.05.19
...bition The Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe. On display will be 30... the 30 letters of the Bulgarian alphabet, one of early Europe's three maj...
한국국제교류재단 > 새소식 > 공지사항
The Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe 2020.05.19
...bition The Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe. On display will be 30... the 30 letters of the Bulgarian alphabet, one of early Europe's three maj...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
[New Publication] Korea Essentials Series Vol. 1 ‘Hangeul' 2010.08.23
... system and the structure of the alphabet, examining the linguistic and ph...he subsequent development of the alphabet over the ensuing centuries and i...
KF > Learn More > Announcements
  • 콘텐츠
  • (총 76건)
Hangeul, its Creation and Future as a Design Theme 2017.07.14

Hangeul, its Creation and Future as a Design Theme

...ing script and its future as the alphabet of a unified Korea. “HangeulDesi...totypes and Future of the Korean Alphabet,” held from February 28 to May 2...
KF > Arts & Media
‘The Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe' Exhibition 2020.04.23

‘The Letters of Bulgaria - <font color='red'>Alphabet</font> of Europe' Exhibition

KF Activities > ‘The Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe' Exhibition ‘The Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe' Exhibition To commemorate the...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2020.05 > kf
Time Travel in Dictionaries 2019.04.03

Time Travel in Dictionaries

...hree years later, but the Korean alphabet was not officially recognized un..., King Sejong created the Korean alphabet for the convenience of the major...
KF > Arts & Media
Carthage:A Civilization Ahead of its Time 2021.04.19

Carthage:A Civilization Ahead of its Time

...contributed to the spread of its alphabet to the Western areas of the Medi...The Phoenicians introduced their alphabet and writing system to Greek citi...
KF NEWSLETTER > 2008년 6월 > Fellow Essay II

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